My name is Patrik Pfaffenbauer, I live in Upper Austria and work as a self employed Software Engineer/Software Architect.
I do get the question a lot why freelancer? Here are some points for companies, that show the benefits working with a freelancer.
If you think good architecture is expensive, try bad architecture.
Brian Foote & Joseph Yoder
I'm a C# .NET specialist, also have several know-how using different other frameworks (e.g. Angular, Flutter, ...). Go to the cloud - run on AWS or Azure.
I love to work/contribute on open source software projects.
Working as a freelancer to help you and your company with projects.
Early stage? The most important part of your project.
Don't know which technology fits best? I can help you in the process.
With a lot of experience, I can help in every stage of your project!
No clue how to setup and use CI/CD? Just get in contact with me!
The most important part is the quaility of a software project! I can help you with that. TDD expert!
Microsoft Azure or Amazon Web Services - I am your go-to-guy.
Working Hours
Written line of codes
Marchtrenk, AT.
Marchtrenk, AT
Leonding, AT
Marchtrenk, AT
Educational training as Software Engineer.
mann&mouse IT Services.
Smart home solution SystemTera
Embedded Linux (Qt 4.8.2)
Smart meter (Atmel C++)
NETxAutomation Software GmbH.
Building management solutions (NETxAutomation)
Books I enjoyed to read and that I must recommend!
Don't hesitate to contact me.
Email Me At
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